RIP Nerd Mall- A Requiem for Comic Shops

2021 has been the year I returned to comics. I have written about this in a number of past articles. It was spurned on by buying a collection of Astonishing X-Men last Summer along with checking out HoX/PoX on Marvel Unlimited. That said the biggest factor to me getting back into comics was a new comic shop. Nerd Mall was a comic shop that opened in January of this past year. It was a cool little shop that was still getting its footing with comics. That meant they bought a lot of comics that my old shop would not stock and I got to try out a bunch of new comics. Additionally, the shop opened only a few miles from the school where I teach.


The Metropolis Report- Batman and Superman go to the movies

Welcome everyone to the inaugural Metropolis Report, the near weekly column dedicated to all things Superman and the larger Superman family. Before we get started going over this week’s books, let’s address some questions you may have. What made you want...