With the collapse of Comixology and Marvel’s own departure from Marvel their own Comixology style app, Marvel Unlimited seems poised for new features. The future of digital comics continues to be fluid and uncertain.
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Happy New Year, everyone. It’s time to dive into the New Year headfirst. The New Frontier by Darwyn Cooke Issue #1–Chapter One: Analog Heroes
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Hey everyone, Jordan here. I just wanted to update on some posts that unfortunately sill not be happening this year. Earlier this month I outlined about 4 holiday themed posts that were set to happened. However, due to just nagging illnesses...
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Extremely Uncanny turns three years old. I talk about some highlights from the past 3 years and what lies ahead in the near future.
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It’s Thanksgiving time again and in the tradition of the holiday, let’s talk about a Thanksgiving special. This year, I want to talk about Power Pack #19.
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Simply Having A Wonderful Christmastime with this new variant from Batman/Superman: World’s Finest.
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Alex Ross has returned to interior art with Fantastic Four Full Circle. Does Full Circle deliver on the hype? Find out here
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With Twitter Dying, here is where to find me online. Plus a hint to the future of Extremely Uncanny
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We take a look back at where it all began in Ultimate Fantastic Four! , Witness the Rise of the Marvel Zombies in Crossover!
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One of the best comics of 2021 has returned with Barbaric: The Harvest Blades. How does it stack up to the prior issue? Find out here!
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