Happy Birthday to the King, Jack Kirby

Jack Kirby at work over his drawing board.
Jack “The King” Kirby

Today marks what would be Jack Kirby’s 106th birthday. The man, along with Steve Ditko and Don Heck, with helped defined Marvel’s signature look during the Silver Age. Jack Kirby co-created many of the Marvel heroes people love—Captain America, The Hulk, The Fantastic Four, The X-men and many more.

His time at Marvel would often be met without proper credit and was often overlooked by the media in favor of the much more charismatic Stan Lee, Kirby’s frequent collaborator. I highly recommend checking out Josie Riesman’s biography on Stan Lee, True Believer to get a look at Stan Lee and Jack Kirby’s dynamic over the years.

True Believer: The Rise and Fall of Stan Lee by Josie Riesman
True Believer by Josie Riesman

The narrative surrounding Jack’s time at Marvel has changed in recent decades as more fans learn about how much Kirby (and others for that matter) put into comics under the Marvel Method compared to Stan’s own input.

To honor his birthday I wanted to share some of my favorite comics by the King over the years.

Scan of the opening page of Fantastic Four #51 by Jack Kirby
Fantastic Four #51 Scan Source- Tom Brevoort History of Comics

Kirby’s use of collages and other multimedia technique were transformative for comics. This page from Fantastic Four #51 really showcases Kirby’s proficiency with collages.

Photocollage of Reed in the Negative Zone in Fantastic Four #51 by Jack Kirby
Fantastic Four #51 Scan Source- Tom Brevoort History of Comics

Kirby would often exaggerate anatomy and the figure to enhance the emotion and sense of scale.

Screenshot of the Double page splash from Captain America #194 by Jack Kirby
Captain American #194
Double Page splash from The Eternals #3 by Jack Kirby
The Eternals #3

To bring things to an end I wanted to share a recent comic I managed to pick up. Fantastic Four #59 by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. It is rare to find a Kirby/ Lee comic in the wild but I am glad to have this one in my collection.

Photo of Fantastic Four #59 by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby
Fantastic Four #59

The issue details the Inhumans escape from the Negative Zone barrier while Doctor Doom runs amok with the stole. Silver Surfer’s Powers Cosmic. It is just a masterful comic and the pages are just breath taking.

Scan of the page from Fantastic Four #59 by Jack Kirby
Fantastic Four #59
Scan of the page from Fantastic Four #59 by Jack Kirby
Fantastic Four #59

Happy birthday to The King. Go read some classics in his honor.

Jordan Jennings

Jordan has written for wide array of comic review sites over the years including Comicosity, Comicon, and Comic Book Revolution. He has been reviewing and discussing comics for over 10 years. In addition to comics, Jordan enjoys various types of games be it video games or trading card games.

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