Three Years of Extremely Uncanny!

Extremely Uncanny has officially turned 3 years old. Now, I have been writing about comics for longer than that (Going on 14 years), but Extremely Uncanny is the longest running blog I have supported over that time. The stop and go nature of the blogs of yesteryear were due to my changing life, social media, and frankly my struggles with ADD.
Extremely Uncanny is something different. While I have been sporadic with updates, I have maintained this site and constantly thinking of posts and such. I am proud of the site, and I plan to keep it going for years.
Extremely Uncanny Highlights!
It all started about a post about how I got into comics and a post about the House of X/Powers of X
I talked about Spawn, though those articles are currently in the drafts due to broken image links. Talking about Spawn was a lot of fun but became a bit much. This will come back in 2023 but in a new form.
History of Heroes Reborn #1 looked over the actual development of the initiative using contemporary press coverage and retrospectives from Liefeld.
History of Heroes Reborn #2 celebrates the strangely amazing Captain America reboot from Captain America.
Long Box Diving was one of the more recent posts I have enjoyed writing and something I look forward to doing again next time I get to Bin Dive.
What’s Next:
Holiday Specials: It’s the yearly tradition of Extremely Uncanny to review holiday comics and even cartoons. This will continue this year. The current slate will be
Cable #64- Ladronn Cable, Baby! Technically it’s a Christmas Issue. It still counts.

Superman’s 1991 Christmas Special: Action Comics #673, Superman: The Man of Steel #8, Superman #64, and Adventures of Superman #487. The first full Christmas month of the Triangle era and there is an overarching storyline in this month.

Klaus #1-7– Grant Morrison and Dan Mora’s Life and Adventures of Santa Claus? SIGN ME UP

A Very Todd McFarlane Christmas: This isn’t Todd McFarlane’s various Christmas specials. Instead it’s a non-Holiday centric look at Todd’s career. This year it’s a look at Todd’s Adjectiveless Spider-Man Run

Extremely Uncanny in 2023
I am looking to getting back into a regular schedule following 2022’s lackluster output. This includes a couple of more regular weekly and monthly features. As much as I would like to get back to new comic reviews but that’s on the back burner as I get caught up. Instead, this means the return of my Event focused coverage, more retrospectives of the mid-2000’s era of comics, and Maybe even some reviews of 90’s comics ala old school comic blog style.

History of Heroes Reborn will finally conclude this year. I’ve been ruminating on the 3rd part for months and I won’t lie, I let the delay on that backlog my other ideas. The articles take a lot of research and time to write out as I try to cover all aspects of the comic in its historical context. The articles may be time intensive but I enjoy writing them and they are some of the most popular articles on the website.

Additionally, I am going to likely import some of my oldest articles from older sites and try to make Extremely Uncanny the home for everything of substance I’ve written over the years.
2023 will be the return of the blog! Now to figure out how to reconstruct web rings.
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